Email Marketing List Building Tips

Staying in touch with customers is critical to the success of your business. One of the best ways to do it is through email. But before sending out that first email, you have to have a list. There are a variety of email marketing list building techniques you can use to do this. Here are some that work well.
Give Them Something Free in Exchange for Their Email Address
This is one of the best email marketing list building techniques. Readers need a reason to give out their email address. Most already receive too many emails already and are reluctant to get more. Offer a free report or ebook in exchange for their email address. But don’t skimp on quality. If you send them rehashed information that’s already available online, they may unsubscribe. Give them unique and helpful tips that’ll make their life easier. If you do, they’ll eagerly await your email updates.
Make It Easy to Sign Up
Include a sign-up form on every page of your website. It should be at the top of each page and easy to see. Experiment by placing it in different locations to see which gets the greatest response. On the sign-up box, let them know you respect their privacy and won’t share their email address. Give them an idea of what they’ll receive and how will the information you send help them? Make the benefits of being on your email list crystal clear.
Expand Email Marketing List Building with Social Media
There is a simple email list building strategy that many people don’t take advantage of. If you have a Twitter or Facebook account, encourage your followers to sign up to be on your email list. You can also post a copy of your email newsletter to your Facebook page, so your friends can see what you offer. You can find tutorials online on how to do this.
Expand Your Email List by Blogging
Start a blog, and blog about your topic. Give them enough information to see the quality of what you offer. At the end of the post, ask them to sign-up for more free tips by email. If you offer quality information, you’ll get new subscribers.
Let Your Current Subscribers Help
Use the power of viral marketing to get new subscribers. If you offer quality content, your subscribers will be happy to spread the word. Ask your readers to forward your email newsletter to a friend. If they find it helpful, they will. Always include a “subscribe” link at the bottom of your emails, so their friends can also sign up to be on your list.
Don’t Forget about Off-Line Marketing
If you have a physical store, ask customers if they’d like to be on your email list. Advertise your domain address with a magnetic sign on your car. Once people go to your website, they can sign up to be on your email list. Include your website address on all printed materials including your business card.
Harness the Power of Email Marketing List Building to Grow Your Business
Use these techniques to build an email marketing list you can market to again and again. They work.