What is Search Engine Optimization?

Search engine optimization is the best way to draw traffic to your website. Visitors usually go to one of the first websites found when they are doing a search. And most people don’t look at results beyond the first page. Therefore, it’s crucial for your website to have a high ranking.
Nine out of ten people who visit your website find it through a search engine like Google. Google, Bing and Yahoo are the most important search engines, and Google leads the pack. That’s why a website that wants to be successful needs a good Google search engine ranking. Here are some other reasons why SEO is important for building a successful online business.
Free Traffic
Some people use paid advertising such as pay-per-click or banner ads to drive traffic to their website. This method works, but it has two disadvantages. Advertising costs money, and its lifespan is limited. Plus, you have to keep paying for clicks. Banner ads and pay-per-click ads also have a limited lifespan. Once you stop advertising, the clicks stop coming.
With SEO, once you get a good ranking, that ranking keeps working for you. With a good ranking, the search engines send free traffic to your sites at all hours of the day or night. Your only job is to use SEO to get ranked well.
Good search engine rankings give your site credibility. When you rank in the top spot for your keywords, it means a search engine found your site to be the most relevant for that topic. That says something positive about your website. Customers know that too. As a result, your website becomes more highly regarded.
Is Search Engine Optimization Right for You?
Take time to learn and use search engine optimization techniques. It will pay off with big rewards. SEO is not just for big websites. With the right keywords, your website can compete with larger websites in the search engines. Don’t underestimate the value of search engine optimization to make your website a success.
And once your get your website optimized, it’ll be time to consider email marketing to keep those visitors coming back.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Bring more traffic to your website with Search Engine Optimization.
- Search Optimization: Improve search engine rankings with keyword and suggested topics tool
- Keyword suggestions: Get personalized phrases and words to add to increase traffic to your website and help it rank better.
- Tracking your ranking: Track the progress of your website’s rank on Google over time
- Create your sitemap: Customize, create and submit a site map to aid search engines in crawling your site.